Healing Our Dry Bones

There is a reason that experts say to allow yourself at least a year to grieve a significant loss. Grief is painful and can be made even more difficult when you yourself have a tendency to run ahead to try to fix your problem. You just want the pain to go away, so you attempt to find something or someone that can do that for you. But, that only becomes a temporary distraction. 

It is at times like these, when we are most vulnerable and not thinking clearly, that we need to call in our nearest and dearest to speak into our lives. We need them to run interference for us, to protect us from making poor decisions. I am so thankful for the people in my life that have made a commitment to doing that for me.

Healing takes time and only the power of God can restore us to wholeness. I believe he will heal our dry bones and strengthen us for the new life ahead. (Ezekiel 37)

Take it slowly, my friend. Allow the healing power of God and those who love you to carry you during this time. You are going to be okay…in time. 

With God,

Carol Marchant Gibbs

Stories Changing Lives