Life After Quarantine

The reopening of our country, after being closed because of COVID-19, has been a challenge for many of us. During quarantine, it was comforting to know that most people recognized the need to protect themselves and their neighbor by staying home. Now that we have been “released” to go forward with our lives, the response has been a range; from those people who are living like the pandemic is over, to those who in fear remain quarantined, and everyone else in between. What are we to do?

The rising cases of COVID-19 advises me that going back to our old lives really isn’t a safe option. For some of us, it is life- threatening. For those of us who are guarded, it can feel like everyone around you seems to have returned to their lives except for you.

For the immune compromised, life is a daily battle of what is safe and what is not. I, myself, am not compromised but as I watch my husband go through chemotherapy, I am very much aware of the need to be cautious and I am in constant protection mode.

Yet, many people, in their desire to have some sense of normalcy in their lives, are totally ignoring the procedures for safety. It was alarming for me to see only one person on the streets wearing a mask, after I dropped my husband off at the infusion center the other day. (I know it’s a pain but please wear a mask for the rest of us, if not yourself. You may be saving someone’s life.)

I do get it though. Near the end of the quarantine, we had become a little less cautious around our children and grandchildren. And now, as everything is beginning to open up, we have had to re-distance ourselves. It’s painful because it feels like life is going forward without us..

But…when I look at my husband, I am so thankful that he is with me. I love this man with all my heart. I may make him a little crazy at times as I attempt to protect him but he knows the heart behind it all and loves me for it.

Life may look a little different for us right now. We may never get to our pool with our son’s family this season. Nor will we visit our younger son and his husband out of state. Our annual trip to the Jersey shore has been cancelled, as have many other excursions we had planned. This is difficult because I adore my family and being together with them is one of my greatest joys. But, I remind myself every day that this is only temporary.

I realize that many of you are struggling as well. Some have lost loved ones, jobs, or are in the midst of the battle against COVID -19. Some of you are on the front lines caring for people who are ill, at the risk of yourselves and your families. We cannot thank you enough for your selfless care of others.

So…We press on, finding creative ways to enjoy our loved ones during this new, but temporary, normal: For now, we will watch our son’s sweet family from a distance play in our yard. We will play cards remotely with our son and his husband over FaceTime. We will have meals with family and friends at a distance in our yard. Whenever possible, we will have phone calls be face-to-face.

And, we remember that this too shall pass.

Hang in there friends and stay well!


Carol Marchant Gibbs

Stories Changing Lives