Embracing Humanity

By Jim Gibbs

As we thoughtfully consider the challenges brought on by this global pandemic, let us realize this: 

COVID-19 does not know:

* if we are republican or democrat;

* whether we are pro-life or pro-choice;

* where we were born; our citizenship; or if we are an immigrant;

* our skin color — whether we are black, brown or white;

* our age;

* whether we are privileged or marginalized;

* our professions and the value we might place on others;

* our sexual orientation;

* if we are male, female or transgender;

* our wounding or sufferings;

* whether we have physical, emotional or mental health issues;

* if we are incarcerated, imprisoned in a refugee camp or other holding camps because of our nationality or ethnicity;

* whether we are racist, misogynist, homophobic or not;

* if we think we are invincible or we know we clearly are not;

** or our faith and religious affiliations. 

COVID-19 does not discriminate based on any of the things that divide us (many of which are listed above) in our families, neighborhoods, work places, regions, countries and in the world.

Today, all COVID-19 knows is that singular thing that unites us all and which everyone holds in common — our humanity.

Can we not use this realization that, in our humanity, we are equally and unconditionally loved by the Creator? Each one of us has equal worth, and deserves similar love and respect. 

Let us not let our divisions prevent us from uniting to do all things that the public health experts tell us, plead with us, to do.

Let us not waste this opportunity to emerge from this crisis more united; more committed to compassionate interaction with everyone on this planet; more committed to kindness and care for the marginalized; those who are poor and suffer from injustice.

If we squander this opportunity, then the collective efforts of the first responders; policemen, doctors, nurses, pharmacists and others will be for naught. From the sanitation workers who collect our refuse, to the grocery clerks, restaurant employees, and delivery workers (and others similarly serving), all are serving to protect us. They provide the critical services that allow us, and everyone else on Earth, to weather this pandemic —Each of them collectively and courageously stand in harm’s way so we do not have to. All of their efforts will have been for naught, as will their sickness and deaths and those of our loved ones, if we fail to comply and unite in our humanity.

I urge you to thoughtfully and courageously embrace our shared humanity and live it out.

Much love,

Jim Gibbs