Radical Resilience

Radical Resilience

A new book on the horizon…

Radical Resilience, When Lives Are Changed by Extraordinary Compassion

In this incredible world of diversity, there is a darkness that blinds us from recognizing the beauty and value of all humanity. We are held hostage by our misconceptions, prejudices and fears. How do we break free?

There is hope in the darkness. Beacons of light shine amongst us revealing the goodness of mankind. These courageous ones are moved by the people before them. They see into the human heart and respond with a radical compassion that inspires hope and rebuilds the human spirit. They are Allies.

Allies, whether they are organizations or individuals, empower those who have been marginalized by our society. They recognize the value of others, offering community and providing opportunities for them to fully participate in life.

Radical Resilience, When Lives Are Changed by Extraordinary Compassion, is a collection of compelling stories that illustrate how investing in the lives of others, helping them to recognize their potential and removing the obstacles that prevent them from moving forward, empowers them to thrive, creating a legacy of hope. 

It is my heart that this book will inspire a new vision for “others” that challenges our thinking and inspires us to recognize our part in bringing radical change to the world. 

Carol Marchant Gibbs

Stories Changing Lives