Tis the Season

Merry Christmas! 

The Christmas season is a beautiful time of year. The lights, the singing, the celebrations and memories of the past, give us a new sense of thankfulness and joy. We have a greater awareness of God and His love for us.

And yet, at the very same time, there are those who are struggling under the weight of hardship, sickness, and loss. It can be difficult to experience the joy of the season when you are feeling crushed by circumstances. Some are burdened and many feel lost and alone. Their season is not so joyful

But, in the midst of it all “God came down.” God entered the world to not only show us His love, but to show us how to love one another. 

During this season of joy, remember those whose lives are filled with challenges and respond with love. Sometimes loving others requires surrender; a surrender of time and material possessions.

This season, find special ways to brighten the lives of others. Be the Presence of the Holy One.

Peace to you,

Carol Marchant Gibbs