The Joy of Community

Now that people are able to get vaccinated and the cases of the coronavirus are declining, the opportunities are much greater to connect with one another safely. We have really needed community! 

But when you experience a tremendous loss in your life, though the transition back into community can be wonderful, it can also be a challenge. Now, you must share your grief with others for the first time. Isolation can sometimes shield us from experiencing the reality of our loss. Community forces us to share it. 

Personally, I have found that as I have allowed myself to reenter community, being intentional about seeing “safe” people (vaccinated or those with antibodies to the coronavirus), I am astonished at how encouraged I have been as I share about the loss of my husband. The fear of expressing my extreme grief has been lifted as people share their grief, as well. The remembrances, though accompanied with tears, have been a sweet testimony to my husband’s life. That has been beautiful for me. 

I know that many of you have experienced loss over the last year. Allow yourself the freedom to express your true feelings. It’s acceptable to not be okay. Let others help you. The burden is much lighter when we carry it together. 


Carol Marchant Gibbs

Stories Changing Lives!