Looking to the Shore

If you have felt like you have been living in the belly of a whale, like Jonah, for the past six months, I feel your pain. Life has been difficult. The pandemic has lasted far longer than anyone ever predicted. We have been distanced from and some have even lost loved ones. It is heartbreaking. 

Isolation can be especially difficult. As I mentioned in an earlier post, my husband has been going through chemotherapy during these months so we have had to be very careful to protect his compromised immune system. We have distanced ourselves from almost everyone. 

It’s a challenge to be distanced from family. Our younger son and his husband live down south in an area that is very lax about the pandemic. He has entered the third phase trial for a vaccine in hopes that he would be inoculated from the virus and able to come visit. His husband is trying to get into a trial, as well. They are doing everything they can to protect their health; masks and social distancing. 

Our older son and his family live nearby with our four adorable grandchildren. We have, over the last six weeks, begun to relax our distancing protocol because it is life giving to be near them. We wear masks and spend most of our time outside but we also give hugs. We need that. When we come home, we change our clothes and sanitize to the elbows. So far, that is working for us but we know that they too are being careful. 

We do, however, continue to be distanced from everyone else. When we see our extended families and friends, we are always outdoors, wearing masks and remaining at a distance. For now, that will have to suffice because we love them. 

A vaccine cannot come too soon. As the holidays quickly approach, I pray that we will be able to hug our loved ones again. Until then, we love them more by staying distant. 

Remember, Jonah didn’t stay in the belly of the whale forever. Hang in there, my friends.


Carol Marchant Gibbs