Extraordinary Love

I am so very thankful for my life. My husband, children, grandchildren, family and friends are amazing blessings to me. There is great joy in our times together.

However, life does not always feel like a celebration. But, I have found that it is in those most difficult moments that we experience things we can nowhere else and when people dare to accompany us through those times, we experience the extraordinary love of God. 

This has been an incredibly difficult season of life for our family. I shared with you in my last post about the loss of a dear friend and the father of my daughter-in-law. In addition, over the course of the last month, our two year old granddaughter broke her arm, our five year old grandson had a suspicious mole on his head requiring plastic surgery, everyone got the stomach flu, and the most recent, my husband’s unexpected surgery to remove an intestinal blockage discovered a reoccurrence of cancer. He now has a regiment of chemo before him. It’s felt much like the story of Job. 

Last week, as I sat in the hospital room with a friend who was visiting my husband, and I listened closely as he shared about the joys of his holiday season, his words pierced my heart and I began to ask myself “why”.  Why was life so wonderful for others while our family was experiencing so much hardship? 

A dark cloud began to cover my heart following that time. I found myself angry inside, wanting to lash out but keeping it hidden. Where was God through all of this? Did He see what we were going through? Did He even care? 

Then, I remembered…I began to reflect on the beautiful expressions of love I had experienced over the last few weeks. I remembered the many phone calls, texts, visits, meals, pastors bringing communion and prayers on our behalf. I remembered our older son spending two nights in the hospital with my husband so I could recover from the stomach flu at home. I reflected on our dear daughter-in-law carrying the full responsibility of their four children so our son could be freed up for us. I remembered my sister spending nights at my house to care for me, providing ginger ale and soda crackers. I remembered my brother and brother-in-law who spent two entire days with my husband, just watching over him while I couldn’t. I remembered my younger son leaving his demanding work schedule out-of-state to be present here at home. This speaks love to me and I will never forget the kindnesses expressed. 

Last week is behind, thank goodness, and this week has been much better. My husband is recovering quickly from the surgery and is at home. My granddaughter’s arm has healed, the mole on my grandson’s head is benign, and the stomach issues are gone. When I think about all we have endured, I am thankful. I am thankful for the extraordinary love that I have experienced. 

And though there will be several months of chemo ahead for my husband, we go forth with hope knowing that God sees us and will respond with His extraordinary love.

I am certain that there are many of you who are struggling to see goodness in your life today. Life can be so difficult sometimes and we can’t do it alone. Identify those people in your life who care about you and are willing to help carry your burden…do it together. 

May you experience the fullness of God’s love today and always. 


Carol Marchant Gibbs

Stories Changing Lives