
If you are a super extrovert and are feeling a little isolated right now, I understand that completely. This has been a difficult time for many people who find themselves hunkered down at home because of the threat of the coronavirus. For the introverts among us, it is a welcome seclusion. It’s time to recharge and catch up on reading, etc. But for those of us who recharge with others, we must be intentional about connecting in other ways. 

Usually, at a time like this, I would find myself running to seek the company of my grandchildren. I normally wouldn’t mind their very sloppy colds… but my husband is going through chemo treatments and his system is already compromised…so we wait to spend time with our older son’s family. 

In the midst of it all, our younger son, who lives down south, comes for a long visit. It was wonderful to see him and the timing couldn’t have been more perfect. For that, we are so very thankful.  

In these uncertain times, stay strong and find creative ways to connect with loved ones; phone calls, write notes, email, facetime. Today, we can’t wait to Facetime with our grandchildren.

Stay well my friends. This too shall pass. 


Carol Marchant Gibbs

Stories Changing Lives