Love is Love

For many years, I did not understand the LGBTQ community because I really didn’t know anyone who was gay. Our family lived in a “church world” that quietly denounced the gay community. 

Ironically, after college, our younger son came out. My husband and I struggled to understand, praying and pouring through scripture and this is what God taught us: Love is Love. Whether it is God’s love for each of us, our love for Him or our love for each other, love is the most important part of life. How we love others is what really matters, not who we love. 

I know that many of you have not walked in my same shoes, or even beside someone who is gay. Your heart will be changed if you do. But don’t take my word for it, get to know someone from the LGBTQ community. Love is Love.


Carol Marchant Gibbs

Stories Changing Lives

Looking to the Shore

If you have felt like you have been living in the belly of a whale, like Jonah, for the past six months, I feel your pain. Life has been difficult. The pandemic has lasted far longer than anyone ever predicted. We have been distanced from and some have even lost loved ones. It is heartbreaking. 

Isolation can be especially difficult. As I mentioned in an earlier post, my husband has been going through chemotherapy during these months so we have had to be very careful to protect his compromised immune system. We have distanced ourselves from almost everyone. 

It’s a challenge to be distanced from family. Our younger son and his husband live down south in an area that is very lax about the pandemic. He has entered the third phase trial for a vaccine in hopes that he would be inoculated from the virus and able to come visit. His husband is trying to get into a trial, as well. They are doing everything they can to protect their health; masks and social distancing. 

Our older son and his family live nearby with our four adorable grandchildren. We have, over the last six weeks, begun to relax our distancing protocol because it is life giving to be near them. We wear masks and spend most of our time outside but we also give hugs. We need that. When we come home, we change our clothes and sanitize to the elbows. So far, that is working for us but we know that they too are being careful. 

We do, however, continue to be distanced from everyone else. When we see our extended families and friends, we are always outdoors, wearing masks and remaining at a distance. For now, that will have to suffice because we love them. 

A vaccine cannot come too soon. As the holidays quickly approach, I pray that we will be able to hug our loved ones again. Until then, we love them more by staying distant. 

Remember, Jonah didn’t stay in the belly of the whale forever. Hang in there, my friends.


Carol Marchant Gibbs

Everyone is Someone

By Erich Becker

  Rayshard Brooks … Elijah McClain … Amy Cooper … David McAtee 

  Breonna Taylor … Ariana McCree … George Floyd … Ahmaud Arbery  

Incidents of injustice … betrayals of confidence 

externalized prejudice … and senseless violence

As we witness new outbreaks of racial unrest,

we march our moral outrage in anguished protest,

and we rally in community with tears of lament.

An alarm bell is ringing … will we wake and repent?


Change is only conceived now in these moments we share,

but it will be miscarried unless an impassioned few dare

to turn moments into momentum, to keep speaking out,

risking danger and censure, pushing through every doubt,

sounding long enough, loud enough in every context

to ensure that this moment’s not silenced by the next.


True change begins in a person’s heart and soul –

in worldviews and prejudices now centuries old.

Only then can lasting change be nurtured, given birth

in every system everywhere which ignores the inherent worth

of each person, every color, not just the white one,

and those in power acknowledge: Everyone is Someone.


Only power can effect any change that will last –

just ask the numberless unheard voices from our past.

Whites with courageous conviction need to speak from inside,

to become allies, to reach out from their side of the divide

and on behalf of the powerless-many set all things right:

justice and righteousness for every color, not just white.


Today’s awakenings are hopeful, but we’ve a long way to go, 

and our sisters of every color will tell us what they know:

culture-shaking change takes ongoing noise and protest,

so let’s delay our rejoicing and continue a full-on press.

The next moment is coming. We can’t celebrate yet.

Today we keep fighting so tomorrow’s we won’t forget.


Racism and discrimination, and privilege and fear,

and ignorance and prejudice … they have no place here.

The profiling and reviling and defiling must cease,

until all know equality and dignity and peace.

Justice must be the experience of each and every one

because Everyone is Someone … Everyone … Someone.


Stories Changing Lives

Radical Resilience

Radical Resilience

A new book on the horizon…

Radical Resilience, When Lives Are Changed by Extraordinary Compassion

In this incredible world of diversity, there is a darkness that blinds us from recognizing the beauty and value of all humanity. We are held hostage by our misconceptions, prejudices and fears. How do we break free?

There is hope in the darkness. Beacons of light shine amongst us revealing the goodness of mankind. These courageous ones are moved by the people before them. They see into the human heart and respond with a radical compassion that inspires hope and rebuilds the human spirit. They are Allies.

Allies, whether they are organizations or individuals, empower those who have been marginalized by our society. They recognize the value of others, offering community and providing opportunities for them to fully participate in life.

Radical Resilience, When Lives Are Changed by Extraordinary Compassion, is a collection of compelling stories that illustrate how investing in the lives of others, helping them to recognize their potential and removing the obstacles that prevent them from moving forward, empowers them to thrive, creating a legacy of hope. 

It is my heart that this book will inspire a new vision for “others” that challenges our thinking and inspires us to recognize our part in bringing radical change to the world. 

Carol Marchant Gibbs

Stories Changing Lives

A Mosaic


A mosaic is an extraordinary piece of artwork created by joining together small pieces of colorful glass, stone or ceramics with mortar to create a beautiful masterpiece. 

The earliest known examples of mosaics were discovered in a temple building in Mesopotamia, dating back to the second half of the 3rd millennium BC (3000 through 2001 BC). At that time, colorful stones, shells and ivory were used. 

The most famous mosaics can be found all over the world in various venues. Many of them are located in the churches of Italy and Jordan. The Westminster Abbey in London, England, is famous for its mosaic floor; “The Great Pavement.” Many mosaics can be found in the mosques of Iran. Others can be seen in parks in Spain. In France, there is an entire house, the gardens, furniture and floors that are completely covered with mosaic art.  The New York Subway is among the most famous of mosaics and  San Diego hosts one of the  largest mosaic murals in the world. 

The diversity of elements, different colors, and textures are unified for a common purpose. When unified, they becomes a piece of incredible beauty. The sharp edges of the stone, glass and ceramics are softened by being joined together.  

May we view humanity in the same way; uniquely diverse; created in all sizes and shapes, a kaleidoscopic of colors. Unified, we become a beautiful mosaic, joined together with a common purpose. Joined together by love. There is not greater beauty. 

Carol Marchant Gibbs

Stories Changing Lives


The Invisible Enemy

It is present in the lives of “others” every day. 
Unseen by the human eye but it’s sting is felt deep in the heart.
It hides under a shroud of empty words, deceptively projecting good.
It waits in watch for the “unknowns” to confirm the “truth” and judges much. 
Destroying lives in its path, it relentlessly searches for another victim.  
It is evil. 

For the Love of God

The church has been on a rapid decline over the past two decades. Approximately 3700 churches close their doors each year. Why? 

I have spent my entire life going to church and when my husband and I started having children, we raised them in the church, as well. 

But, after twenty-five years of totally committing to one church, we had to leave because we did not measure up to what the church believed to be true. We generously gave, served and were even on staff for a time but we fell short in the eyes of the church… We loved our gay son. It grieves me to think that we spent so many years trusting that love was the underlying principle there…but it wasn’t. 

I believe that the church is slowly shrinking because people are seeking the unconditional love of God and finding a church that often responds with judgement instead. Though many churches do not respond in this manner, I have seen too many people turn away from the church over the years because they did not measure up to the expectations. Who would want to be part of that?  

My friends, that is not who God is. God is authentic and He genuinely loves all people. His deepest desire is for human beings to reflect that love to one another. 

For the love of God…seek Him directly. Find a church that expresses His love to all people.

You are loved more than you could ever imagine.  

Carol Marchant Gibbs

Stories Changing Lives

Life After Quarantine

The reopening of our country, after being closed because of COVID-19, has been a challenge for many of us. During quarantine, it was comforting to know that most people recognized the need to protect themselves and their neighbor by staying home. Now that we have been “released” to go forward with our lives, the response has been a range; from those people who are living like the pandemic is over, to those who in fear remain quarantined, and everyone else in between. What are we to do? The rising cases of COVID-19 advises me that going back to our old lives really isn’t a safe option. For some of us, it is life- threatening. For those of us who are guarded, it can feel like everyone around you seems to have returned to their lives except for you. For the immune compromised, life is a daily battle of what is safe and what is not. I, myself, am not compromised but as I watch my husband go through chemotherapy, I am very much aware of the need to be cautious and I am in constant protection mode. Yet, many people, in their desire to have some sense of normalcy in their lives, are totally ignoring the procedures for safety. It was alarming for me to see only one person on the streets wearing a mask, after I dropped my husband off at the infusion center the other day. (I know it’s a pain but please wear a mask for the rest of us, if not yourself. You may be saving someone’s life.) I do get it though. Near the end of the quarantine, we had become a little less cautious around our children and grandchildren. And now, as everything is beginning to open up, we have had to re-distance ourselves. It’s painful because it feels like life is going forward without us.. But…when I look at my husband, I am so thankful that he is with me. I love this man with all my heart. I may make him a little crazy at times as I attempt to protect him but he knows the heart behind it all and loves me for it. Life may look a little different for us right now. We may never get to our pool with our son’s family this season. Nor will we visit our younger son and his husband out of state. Our annual trip to the Jersey shore has been cancelled, as have many other excursions we had planned. This is difficult because I adore my family and being together with them is one of my greatest joys. But, I remind myself every day that this is only temporary. I realize that many of you are struggling as well. Some have lost loved ones, jobs, or are in the midst of the battle against COVID -19. Some of you are on the front lines caring for people who are ill, at the risk of yourselves and your families. We cannot thank you enough for your selfless care of others. So…We press on, finding creative ways to enjoy our loved ones during this new, but temporary, normal: For now, we will watch our son’s sweet family from a distance play in our yard. We will play cards remotely with our son and his husband over FaceTime. We will have meals with family and friends at a distance in our yard. Whenever possible, we will have phone calls be face-to-face. And, we remember that this too shall pass. Hang in there friends and stay well! Blessings, Carol Marchant Gibbs Stories Changing Lives


June 19th commemorates the ending of slavery in our country. 

Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation went into effect on January 1, 1963, stating that “All persons held as slaves within any state or designated part of a state…shall be then, and henceforth, and forever free.” It wasn’t until two and a half years later, June 19, 1865, when the Civil War ended, that people were actually freed. 

Here we are 157 years later and the necessity to demand the rights that everyone should be afforded continues. 

I, as a white woman, have never been judged by the color of my skin nor have I needed to take a stand to protect my rights. Today, I stand with my friends of color saying enough is enough. 

“Let freedom ring.” Martin Luther King

Carol Marchant Gibbs

Stories Changing Lives

Colors of the World

Colors of the World

I recently discovered that Crayola is doing their part to educate

our younger generations about the amazing diversity in this world.

Colors of the World is an assortment of crayons that represent over forty skin tones.

Children will now be able to embrace who they are by creating artwork

that clearly represents a more accurate self-portrait.

They will learn to appreciate the beauty of our diverse world.

Oh, that we, as adults, would do our part to embrace diversity.

The Colors of the World.

Celebrating diversity, Carol Marchant Gibbs