Embracing the Unexpected

Life does not always look the way we anticipated it would. We can plan and plan only to arrive at a future that is not what we imagined. In an attempt to recapture our dream, we rush forward, investing all of our efforts into accomplishing that which we believe is the best for us.  A destination is in view and we chase after it with a vengeance. We desire to claim that life we believe should be ours; to be settled, to be content. When that doesn’t happen, we become frustrated and very discouraged. 

Desiring our lives to be tied up in sweet little packages with ribbons fastened securely is not necessarily a bad thing. We all need to have goals… to have hope. But when we rush forward trying to get immediate results, it is like riding a rapidly moving train. The immense speed causes us to fail to take in the beautiful scenery along the way. We miss the growth necessary to receiving all that our destination holds for us; the people and the precious moments with them. 

I confess that I would love for my life to be tied up in sweet little packages with ribbons fastened securely but it’s not. Are there beautiful moments along the journey? Absolutely! There are many, but I have to slow the train down in order to see the incredible view before me.

My prayer for all of us is that we would not miss the best parts of life because we are looking to what is coming up in the distance. I understand completely how difficult it is to be patient but we experience far more of life when we try to live in the moment.

May God give us all that we need to live our present life with hope. 

Living in the moment, 

Carol Marchant Gibbs

“Life doesn’t always look the way you think it should but it is beautiful just the same.” God

Stories Changing Lives

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