The Fruit of Worry

One of my greatest struggles in this life is my tendency to worry about the people I love. 

One day, I asked God why…Why do I do battle in my mind with things that may never happen? I heard this:

“Sometimes fear causes us to (attempt to) manipulate the world around us to create that which we believe could be true.”

The unknown can feel unsettling at times so in an attempt to interpret the world around me I can create a scenario that is just not accurate. In other words, much of what I worry about is simply a creation in my mind drawn from limited information.

I am a spiritual person but rather than trust God with my “creation”, I can run ahead of Him preparing my heart for the worst. It is not until God stops me in my tracks and reminds me of His love and vision for my life that I am able to embrace a more realistic view.

In a strange way, I believe that I am protecting my heart from future hurt when I try to control everything around me but in reality it is fruitless. What I have imagined could happen, rarely does. 

During this Lenten season, I offer to God my tendency to worry. I desire to embrace every wonderful moment with joy, tackling the difficult moments when they actually come along.

What will you offer this season?

Living in freedom, 

Carol Marchant Gibbs

Stories Changing Lives