
Have you ever gotten to the end of your day wondering what you actually accomplished? Your day was jam packed with frenzied activity and yet the significance of it all escapes you.

This has happened to me many times over the years. I, too often, can get lost in the minute details of life totally missing the big picture. What is my purpose in this life and am I making strides toward that goal?

A very dear friend once told me that we can spend a great deal of time focused on the past and the future, neglecting the present entirely. 

“Live for the present”, she’d say to me. 

I am learning that each moment of my life is a precious gift to be fully experienced. Each past experience helps to define our present. Each present moment builds upon itself to create the future. We are created to embrace the present journey to our ultimate destiny.

But, how do you embrace the path that determines your ultimate destiny?

For me, it’s a spiritual question. 

A very wise man said to me once, “You make your own destiny but you must always follow God’s lead.” I just so happened to be married to that very wise man. 

The future is so uncertain. Fortunately, we need only to figure out the present…one day at a time.

Embracing the journey together,

Carol Marchant Gibbs

Stories Changing Lives