I See You

I See You

The sweetest words that we can ever receive from another… I see you. I hear your words. I know your struggles. I feel your pain.

The most encouraging words… I see your heart. You are forgiven. You belong. There is hope.

The most powerful… I know you. You have purpose. I will go with you.  You are loved. 

I see you!

By Carol Marchant Gibbs

I have had the privilege of hearing many people’s personal stories through the years. It no longer surprises me, the ease at which people share their hearts and lives. People want to be known and whether their lives have been completely joy-filled or riddled with challenges, people are always eager share who they are and where they have been.

I am frequently overwhelmed by the injustice that many have been forced to endure in their lives. Life can be so unfair at times and it causes me to ask the question; Why? What if life was different for them? What would the world look like if everyone understood their true value? What if every person had a support system that came alongside them to encourage them throughout life? How would we respond to one another if  we loved without conditions? What if we truly loved?         

I often think about the way Jesus modeled love. To Jesus, love is not only a feeling but an active participation in the life of another. He has loved us from the beginning of time and has been actively involved in our lives, many times we are totally unaware. But, human beings don’t always love the way Jesus does. We need a reason to love, to see the best in others before we can choose to love them. Thankfully, that is not the way Jesus loves us. Jesus’ life of love was and is today for the sake of others. What would it look like if our lives reflected that same love?

May Jesus show Himself to each of us this Easter season. May our hearts be filled with the compassion that only He can give and may we love others as He does. 

Have a blessed Easter!!

Carol Marchant Gibbs

Stories Changing Lives